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CSS Blend Modes could be the next big thing in Web Design


If I didn’t know any better, I’d say standards bodies and browsers (those responsibility for crafting/implementing CSS) are starting to care about designers. Another big win from the Adobe Web Platform team.


Philip Bloom on the iPhone 5s’ 120fps slow-motion mode. via engers


Jonathan Stark’s “Intro to Git Workflow”. I’d highly recommend this video to developers looking to learn Git for the first time or even as a refresher for developers who primarily use a GUI interface.

DPI love ♥ Easily find the DPI/PPI of any screen

Web app to calculate the pixels-per-inch of displays.


The new Chipotle ad by MOONBOT Studios is amazing. I love this company. It’s a stealth promo for a free iOS game called “The Scarecrow”. They continue to make create great marketing campaigns.


Interactive music video for the new Arcade Fire song, Reflektor, uses your computers webcam and your smartphone or tablet to interact with the film.


The new Apple TV spots are simply brilliant.


Apple’s Designed By Apple - Intention video. Elegant, simple and intelligent. It expertly creates a connection between human emotion and good design.


The Whistle Activity Monitor is an on-collar device that measures your dog’s activities including walks, play, and rest, giving you a new perspective on day-to-day behavior and long-term health trends. Check-in from your phone, share memorable moments with family and friends, and send detailed reports to your veterinarian.

I’d love to get this for our two dogs!


Sneak preview: Syncing fonts to your desktop (by TypekitVideos) via 9-bits


Should I use pushState to update my URLs instead of using the hashbang (#!) style to manage Ajax navigation? via Paul Irish

I’ve stumbled across lots of misleading or out-of-date information on this subject so it’s nice to get a straight forward answer directly from Google.


Checkout another recent @1trickpony launch. “The Gatekeepers” is an Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Feature.

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