Hound by SoundHound
This video of Hound by SoundHound handling complex queries is incredible. It leaves Siri in the dust. If Apple were smart it would use some of it’s billions and buy this company and integrate it into iOS. Android users can sign up for a beta invitation now, iOS users have to wait for the time being.
Crafted, hand-assemble watches by NOMOS Glashütte. Love the attention to detail in such complex objects like these watches.
Jonathan Stark’s “Intro to Git Workflow”. I’d highly recommend this video to developers looking to learn Git for the first time or even as a refresher for developers who primarily use a GUI interface.
The new Chipotle ad by MOONBOT Studios is amazing. I love this company. It’s a stealth promo for a free iOS game called “The Scarecrow”. They continue to make create great marketing campaigns.
Interactive music video for the new Arcade Fire song, Reflektor, uses your computers webcam and your smartphone or tablet to interact with the film.
The new Apple TV spots are simply brilliant.
Apple’s Designed By Apple - Intention video. Elegant, simple and intelligent. It expertly creates a connection between human emotion and good design.
Should I use pushState to update my URLs instead of using the hashbang (#!) style to manage Ajax navigation? via Paul Irish
I’ve stumbled across lots of misleading or out-of-date information on this subject so it’s nice to get a straight forward answer directly from Google.
Foldify is an awesomely creative app allows you create, print, then fold 3D figures that you’ve designed yourself. You can also share your creation with other online.
2013 Lexus ES Print Ad Comes to Life in Sports Illustrated with Help from iPad
In the October 15 issue of Sports Illustrated readers can, for the first time, interact with a print advertisement. By placing an iPad running the Lexus ES video from the iPad edition of Sports Illustrated, users can see the print ad comes to life with movement and sound.