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Helpful note to future self: How to update to the most recent version of SASS.

$ sudo gem install sass --pre

A Goodbye and a Hello.

After almost six years I’ve decided it was time to leave my position as Web Designer at Dyad Communications and find a new opportunity at a larger creative agency. This will allow me to further my professional growth and work on new types of projects. It’s hard to put into words nearly six years of work experience. I’ve had such an amazing time working on so many well designed websites. At the time I started at Dyad back in 2006, they had only a handful of websites. Over the years that list has grown to over one hundred desktop and mobile websites. I’ve had the opportunity to work with designers and developers that are highly respected in the industry. The work we did while I was there, always tried to push what was creatively and technically possible. It was a privilege to contribute to their portfolio of work. Since I left Dyad in early June, I’ve been the Senior Web Developer at May Media Group, a publishing company located in Marlton, NJ and New York City. While this was not the right fit for me I’ve met and worked with many amazingly smart and talented people. That brings me to my big announcement, the Hello.

I’m extremely excited to announce that starting today I’m now Senior Interactive Developer at One Trick Pony. One Trick Pony is an advertising and design agency that works with many well known brands such as American Express, Virgin Mobile and Turner Classic Movies. I’ll primarily be responsible for developing cutting edge HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript websites for desktop and mobile devices.

This means I’ll continue to work on what I love to do; creating amazing web presences for equally amazing clients. I also look forward to collaborating with a new group of super talented individuals. Together, I’m very excited to see where we can push the web.

In addition to this news, I’m now opening up myself to additional (very select) freelance opportunities. While my primary focus will be my work with One Trick Pony these select opportunities will allow me to provide my design and developer services to non-competitive businesses, friends and associates. Feel free to contact me on Twitter.

I can’t wait to share with you what we’re working on. In the mean time check out the work we do on our website.


Typekit: Controlling the flash of unstyled text

.wf-loading { visibility: hidden; }

Originally from the Typekit blog.


What iPad apps do you recommend for web development?


How to strip a project of all hidden .svn files.

More often then I’d like to admit I need to strip an entire project of it’s SVN folders and files. Instead of going in each folder individually, I use this useful terminal command.

cd /some/of/your/folders/
                rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`

Switching Keys For Values In PHP Arrays

February 2006:

I recently discovered the need to search an array for a value using PHP. The problem with the array_search() function is that it takes the value and an array as arguments and returns the key of the value found. Instead I had the key and needed to return the value. The problem was easily solved with the array_flip() function. The array_flip() function switches the key with the value. This allowed me to use the array_search() functions to retrieve the values I wanted.

$sample = array('key' => 'value');
                $sample = array_flip($sample);
                $sample_value = array_search('key', $sample);
                /* Will Return = 'value' */

Verizon's iPhone-targeting Motorola Droid phone

Good luck with this one but the phone itself looks like something out of the 90’s.


More technical details about Google Chrome Frame

Jim Ray’s post about Google Chrome Frame.

Read the entire post.


DropBox contextual menus on Snow Leopard


I never saw a mention of this before upgrading, but the Dropbox integration with the Finder is broken in Snow Leopard. You need to install a newer version of the Dropbox client to get it working again, but that version is not accessible on the Dropbox download page.

It is available here.


Radiohead - Harry Patch (In Memory Of)

If you like this song please [purchases it at]( Proceeds will go to the Royal British Legion


I promising myself I won’t rush my website redesign. I’m going to sit on it for a while and see how it feel in a few weeks.


It’s going to be a LONG day.

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