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Declarative on-scroll reveal animations.


PaintCode looks like an awesome app. I wish it could generate CSS or Canvas elements as well.

Use built-in vector drawing tools to design controls, icons and other graphic elements. Export a single Objective-C class that contains all your drawings, available as class methods.

Phở Devstack: Automated workflow for front-end developers in one tasty bowl of code.

Phở Devstack handles compiling, minifying, auto-refreshing, CSS prefixing, and image sprites.

Installation is simple. Just copy and paste this line into the Terminal.

npm install -g gulp yo generator-pho bower

It’s also worth checking out for a complete list of features.

gulp.js - the streaming build system

By preferring code over configuration, gulp keeps simple things simple and makes complex tasks manageable. By harnessing the power of node’s streams you get fast builds that don’t write intermediary files to disk.

Isomer – an isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas

All of the Isomer base classes (Point, Path, and Shape) support the following methods. They each return a new object from the one they were originally called on. Translate accepts a distance in the x, y, and z directions. Translating does not modify the original shape.


Crafted, hand-assemble watches by NOMOS Glashütte. Love the attention to detail in such complex objects like these watches.

Parsley, the ultimate javascript form validation library

Validating forms frontend have never been so powerful and easy. Like no other form validation library, simply write in English your requirements inside your form HTML tags, Parsley will do the rest! No need to write even a single javascript line for simple form validation.

BPScott/breakup · GitHub

Breakup is a Sass component that allows you to create multiple CSS files from a single Sass partial by wrapping your code within breakpoint blocks. It allows you to abstract what your Sass partials folder looks like from what CSS files you create.

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