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jQTouch beta released. Congratulations are in order for David Kaneda.


The Ministry of Type has an article with various techniques to achieve good typography on the web.


Everyone’s talking about Snow Leopard today. Just ordered a copy for the office so i have not as of yet had a chance to play around with it. However David Kaneda has and here are his initial thoughts. Sounds pretty good.

  • It’s fast. Not only is the general OS and Finder faster, but individual apps like Safari and Mail, too. Safari also runs a newer version of WebKit, unlike Leopard’s Safari 4, this one handles 3d transitions.
  • Almost all apps are running fine, but was particularly pleased to see Photoshop (CS3), Quicksilver, and MAMP all working seamlessly. There are minor keyboard shortcut issues in Textmate, which can be resolved with a bundle for now.
  • I’m giving Menlo a shot as my primary coding font. We’ll see how it goes.
  • Can finally delete heads in Finder sidebar. Minor fix, but personally coveted for oh so long.
  • The new Quicktime rocks. It can now record screencasts, though I’m unsure if it’ll replace Screenflow for me. Trimming clips is just like one the iPhone: Awesome.
  • Improvements to Exposé and Stacks are excellent.
  • Preview finally comes into its own as a PDF viewer, with smart text selection (wraps for columns).


Mines kinda like this. Just take out the class part and put in more work and more internet

Very funny.


Sneak peek: 2010 Pentagram Typographic Calendar


Business Card design for Thunderwing Press, New York.

Letterpress business card for Whitney Shaw. (via Meagan Fisher)

Another nice business card example (via Matthew Buchanan)


These über urban matte metal cuffs are making the subway commute through Manhattan so much more fun! The subway lines, numbers, and streets are embossed into the surface of the metal. (via designhype)


Kevin Cornell, best known for his illustrations for A List Apart, along with designer Randy Jones have turned some of his lovely Victorian flavoured lettering into a font called Phaeton.


After 50 years Ikea has switched from Futura to Verdana for the 2010 Ikea catalog.


The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin has an exhibit about the Gutenberg Bible online featuring most of the two volumes.


Ramp Champ ($1.99 on the App Store) is a new iPhone game from the IconFactory and DS Media Labs. It has a gorgeous custom UI and fantastic marketing, with all the charm of a classic boardwalk game.

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