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Steve Jobs on Flash

“Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short.”


Dynamic CSS Sandbox, An amazing way to learn CSS

Why Apple Changed Section 3.3.1

John Gruber has written a tremendous article about Apple’s decision to change the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement to prohibit third-party apps such as Flash CS5 and MonoTouch from creating iPhone apps. I think this is great news for everyone involved except Flash developers. This is an excellent decision on Apple’s part.

Tumblr Theme TextMate Bundle.

An excellent new Tumblr Bundle for TextMate.

10 Famous Logo Designers and their creations - A tribute.

10 of the most famous and prominent logo designers behind the finest corporate brands.

Pixel & Tonic

Pixel & Tonic by Brandon Kelly: They’ve got a knack for creating ExpressionEngine add-ons that are powerful & fun!

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