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Polymaps - Statehood

Polymaps is a free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers.

Designing Websites for the new Retina Display.

How to make your web content look stunning on the iPhone 4âs new Retina display.

Targeting various iOS devices with media queries


Jesse Dodds with an awesome tip for iPhone web devs: You can use the media attribute on webclip icons to specify different resolution icons (like for the Retina display):

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" media="screen and
(resolution: 326dpi)" href="/iOS-114.png" />

HTML5 Experiment

Visualizing the Stanley Cup

Safari Reference Library

Safari Supported CSS Properties

HTML5 Prefetching

How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code.

The HTML5 Family: Web Storage

via davidkaneda: In the latest feature of the Ext JS series on HTML5, my coworker Ed Spencer explains and gives a quick example of Web Storage (localStorage and sessionStorage).

A good article about HTML5 WebStorage.

The Google Font API

Yesterday I forgot to mention Google’s new Font API so here it is: Google Font API is a open directory of fonts that developers can use with @font-face to add custom fonts to any site. While the library is very limited at this stage and doesn’t come close to what TypeKit offers it’s a start on the right path.

jQuery for Designers

Learn how easy it is to apply web interaction using jQuery

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