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Gordon – Flash on the iPhone

Flash on iPhone? Gordon (by Tobey Tailor) is an open source Flash runtime written in pure JavaScript with SVG. Check out the demo above. It remains to be seen how flexible this is but its a start.

MagicPrefs is a must download for Magic Mouse owners

Adds much more functionality to your Magic Mouse.

Dashboard Kickstart

Tired of waiting for your Dashboard widgets to load overtime your restart or log off? Dashboard Kickstart aims to fix this problem by loading your widget in the background when you start up your…

24 ways: Working With RGBA Colour

CSS3 introduces a couple of new ways to specify colours, and one of those is RGBA. The A stands for Alpha, which refers to the level of opacity of the colour, or to put it another way, the amount of…

Elevation › Ex Nihilo

Elevation is a free, open source route visualizer that renders personal GPS data in 3D space, built in Processing by Dave Shea. Iphone users can use it in conjunction with RunKeeper app.

Integrate Google Wave into your OS X system with Fluid

Setup your Google Wave account with on OS X.



A clever jQuery plugin by Jason Feinstein that co-opts the <canvas> element to provide true text wrapping around irregularly-shaped images. (via CSS Beauty)

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