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Flickr Find: Baskerville Letterpress


This is the artwork for the upcoming Sufjan Stevens CD/DVD, The BQE (Brooklyn–Queens Expressway). I hope they weren’t going for legibility because if that was the case I’d have to give them a F.


Crazy 4 Cult 3-D: Family Portraits.

The Manhattan Bridge being constructed in 1909…If you click on this picture it gets so big…you can really look at it in detail.You can actually see the men working and standing on the bridge…check it out it’s pretty amazing! (via hewhocannotbenamed)

Sebastian Deutsch has created a beautiful HTML5 demo which uses <audio>, Canvas/Processing, and jQuery to display 100 recent tweets about HTML5 in a mesmerizing display. (via WebKitBits)


Gorgeous new work by Scott Hansen available at


How Different Groups Spend Their Day

An interactive infographic of how US people spend their day, you can easily compare employed vs unemployed, age vs degree.

Can people make more of these kind of things please.


More examples of Jessica Hische’s hand lettering.


Eating a bowl of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies—and listening to it “snap, crackle, and pop”—is pretty much a requirement, growing up in North America. So when we first discovered Rice Bubbles (as they are known in Australia and New Zealand), we were intrigued enough to start a new blog series: Parallels.


Twitter support just got mad hot, son.

  • Tweets are now sent when publishing draft, queue, and submission posts.
  • You can customize your tweet when posting.
  • Editing a published post will display its short URL.

Add your Twitter account if you haven’t already!

Fantastic! So glad these requests finally went through — super excited to be able to use the queue again. The only remaining piece now is per-tumblog Twitter accounts.



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