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SafariTidy now 64bit for Snow Leopard

This is great news I loved this plugin before Snow Leopard broke it.

Running a Local Server with MAMP

Provides some convincing evidence why you should go PRO.

HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details

More HTML5 goodness. It’s seems to me that tag ‹section› is just another word for ‹div›.

Rock Band Is Going Mobile.

..but not to iPhone (yet).

Speed up your Web App by 1000% with 1 Line of SQL

SELECT * FROM table WHERE lower(fieldname) LIKE ‘abc%’;

Get Ready for HTML 5


One of my favorite publications, A List Apart, updates today with an introduction to HTML5 including some resources, samples, and validation info. Great read.

Textpattern 4.2.0 Released

We’ve added new features like admin-side themes, timezone support with automatic DST adjustment on capable servers, and core support for unlimited custom fields, readied Textpattern for compatibility with PHP 5.3, and fixed a number of small bugs. Upgrades from previous 4.x versions are expected to work seamless under usual reserve of plugin compatibility.

Snow Leopard Compatibility

A list of application compatibility for Snow Leopard. Also contains fixes for certain apps.

Has IE6 Finally Reached the End of the Line?

Lets hope so. This offers server administrators the ability to upgrade their entire network to IE8.

Apps that WON'T work on Snow Leopard

Here is a list of apps that won’t work in Snow Leopard or have certain performance issues.

Taming Advanced CSS Selectors

A good article from Smashing Magazine about advanced CSS selectors.

Harmony Website Management // Coming Soon

Harmony is a powerful web-based platform for creating and managing websites.

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