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Grizzly Bear

Inspiration: Website for the band Grizzly Bear with motion built around JavaScript (Prototype / Scriptaculous).


Inspiration: Website with motion built around JavaScript (mootools).

Toy Story 3 Teaser Trailer

Never saw a Pixar movie I didn't…

Introducing Typekit

Real fonts on the web handled by TypeKit. Hosting free and commercial fonts in a way that lets web developers use them without the worry of licensing issues.

Perch - CMS

Perch is a really little content management system for when you (or your clients) need to edit content without the hassle of setting up a big CMS.

Devot:ee | Everything ExpressionEngine

New site devoted to everything ExpressionEngine.

Web fonts now (how we’re doing with that)

Zeldman gives a brief look into the current state of web fonts along with some links for further reading. I’ve found Font Squirrel (via Matthew Buchanan) to be another nice resource for finding @font-face friendly fonts. In my forthcoming design of Mighty Dream, I’m using Museo Sans for headings and a little bit of Junction.

Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS

A new answer to the IE6 question? (via Jeffrey Zeldman)

Pixelcase: Aerial Virtual Tour of New York City

Amazing view of New York from above with this aerial virtual tour of New York. Photography by Oleg Gaponyuk and Andrei Zubets.

7 Quick CSS Enhancements for Better User Experience

Some pretty decent and potentially useful CSS tips to improve usability.

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