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Radiohead Hail to the Thief

Madison Square Garden New York, NY


  1. The Gloaming
  2. There There
  3. 2 + 2 = 5
  4. Where I End and You Begin
  5. Exit Music (For a Film)
  6. Talk Show Host
  7. Myxomatosis
  8. Paranoid Android
  9. In Limbo
  10. Sail to the Moon
  11. Creep
  12. Scatterbrain
  13. Go to Sleep
  14. Just
  15. Idioteque
  16. You and Whose Army?
  17. Sit Down. Stand Up.

Encore 1

  1. Lucky
  2. The National Anthem
  3. A Punchup at a Wedding
  4. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Encore 2

  1. Airbag
  2. No Surprises
  3. Everything in Its Right Place