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Pixies Bossanova x Trompe le Monde European Tour 2024

O2 Forum Kentish Town London, ENG



  1. Cecilia Ann (song by The Surftones)
  2. Rock Music
  3. Velouria
  4. Allison
  5. Is She Weird
  6. Ana
  7. All Over the World
  8. Dig for Fire
  9. Down to the Well
  10. The Happening
  11. Blown Away
  12. Hang Wire
  13. Stormy Weather
  14. Havalina

Trompe le Monde

  1. Trompe le Monde
  2. Planet of Sound
  3. Alec Eiffel
  4. The Sad Punk
  5. Head On (song by The Jesus and Mary Chain)
  6. U-Mass
  7. Palace of the Brine
  8. Letter to Memphis
  9. Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons
  10. Space (I Believe In)
  11. Subbacultcha
  12. Distance Equals Rate Times Time
  13. Lovely Day
  14. Motorway to Roswell
  15. The Navajo Know

Best Of

  1. The Vegas Suite
  2. Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf)
  3. Nimrod's Son (The second part of the song was played as a slow version)
  4. Here Comes Your Man (Double false start)