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Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool

Madison Square Garden New York, NY

Video Clips


  1. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free (Recorded Tape: Nina Sinome version; song by Billy Taylor)
  2. Burn the Witch
  3. Daydreaming
  4. Decks Dark
  5. Desert Island Disk
  6. Ful Stop
  7. Lotus Flower
  8. The National Anthem
  9. 15 Step (tour debut)
  10. No Surprises
  11. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
  12. Separator
  13. Planet Telex
  14. The Numbers
  15. 2 + 2 = 5
  16. Everything in Its Right Place
  17. Myxomatosis
  18. Idioteque

Encore 1

  1. Let Down (tour debut; first performance since 2006)
  2. Present Tense
  3. Paranoid Android
  4. Nude
  5. Bodysnatchers

Encore 2

  1. Bloom
  2. Street Spirit (Fade Out)