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Integrate Google Wave into your OS X system with Fluid

Setup your Google Wave account with on OS X.


Suffering from significant drops in subscriptions (seriously, does anyone still use AOL?), the company announced yesterday in a press release it will adopt a new brand identity. Created by Wolff Olins, the full makeover will be unveiled on December 10th when AOL is spun off from parent company Time Warner.

I totally get the concept behind these new logos by AOL however they committed an unforgivable crime, abandoned their classic identity which was instantly recognizable by millions.


A new version of Structure, the ExpressionEngine plugin has been released. A ton of new parameters have been added making it even more useful. Here is a full list of changes.



A clever jQuery plugin by Jason Feinstein that co-opts the <canvas> element to provide true text wrapping around irregularly-shaped images. (via CSS Beauty)



Learning Advanced JavaScript

Awesome interactive tutorial by John Resig.

MultiClutch Preference Panel

MultiClutch allows you to assign custom keyboard shortcuts in a given app to a given gesture. Want swipes to change tabs in Safari? Done. The same in iChat? Done. Want zoom-in to open emails in Mail,…



Cameron Booth:

Drawing my cues from the original and best metro diagram, H.C. Beck’s wonderful London Underground diagram, I have rendered the Interstate system in a much simpler form. I have made the “major” highways (those divisible by 5) the framework of the map, with the “minor” highways reduced in importance and rendered as thinner grey lines. Even with these highways, a difference in the greys indicates whether they are even-numbered (west-east) or odd-numbered (north-south). Dots on the highways indicate interchanges: large dots where major highways meet other major highways, smaller dots where major meets minor and tiny dots where minor highways begin or end.
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