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A big collaboration between everyone here @1trickpony, check out our recent launch of TCM 31 Days of Oscar. Give us a vote on FWA.

Kern Type: A Kerning Game

Typography aficionados will enjoy this addictive new game.



Microsoft released an amazing set of tools for testing previous versions of IE this week, including a webpage scanner, a partnership deal with BrowserStack, and — my personal favorite — pre-built VMs for every version of IE since 6.


I’ve been playing around with Codekit for the past week or so and I can say it’s pretty awesome. My favorite feature is Safari integration which brings the “Live Preview” feature that I loved in CSSEdit to my Sass development.


blur.js is a jQuery plugin that produces psuedo-transparent blurred elements over other elements.


Foldify is an awesomely creative app allows you create, print, then fold 3D figures that you’ve designed yourself. You can also share your creation with other online.

The analytics API you’ve always wanted.


2013 Lexus ES Print Ad Comes to Life in Sports Illustrated with Help from iPad

In the October 15 issue of Sports Illustrated readers can, for the first time, interact with a print advertisement. By placing an iPad running the Lexus ES video from the iPad edition of Sports Illustrated, users can see the print ad comes to life with movement and sound.


Helpful note to future self: How to update to the most recent version of SASS.

$ sudo gem install sass --pre

The RGB Colorspace Atlas by New York-based artist Tauba Auerbach is a massive tome containing digital offset prints of every variation of RGB color possible. For you designers, think of it as a three-dimensional version of a Photoshop color picker. At 8in. x 8in x 8in. the perfectly cube book was co-designed by Daniel E. Kelm and bound with assistance from Leah Hughes.

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