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I promising myself I won’t rush my website redesign. I’m going to sit on it for a while and see how it feel in a few weeks.


Twitter support just got mad hot, son.

  • Tweets are now sent when publishing draft, queue, and submission posts.
  • You can customize your tweet when posting.
  • Editing a published post will display its short URL.

Add your Twitter account if you haven’t already!

Fantastic! So glad these requests finally went through — super excited to be able to use the queue again. The only remaining piece now is per-tumblog Twitter accounts.


Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox Trailer. The style in which this movie was made looks pretty cool.


It’s going to be a LONG day.


Just finished watching “The Yes Men Fix The World”. Highly recommend everyone watch it!



We CAN’T just fix HTML every 10-15 years with a 5-10 year process. This is the only shot for a generation. That is a huge responsibility not just for those directly responsible for the specification, but all of use who take more than a passing interest in these issues. John Allsopp
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