Flickr Find: Gill Sans Letterpress Resurrected
Happy to see off life support. Hopefully they’ll be able to find a business model that allows them to stay up permanently.
Flickr Find: Gill Sans Letterpress
Flickr Find: Baskerville Letterpress
Happy to see off life support. Hopefully they’ll be able to find a business model that allows them to stay up permanently.
Peter Belanger’s time lapse of creating the latest cover for Macworld Magazine. This is a really cool look at the process behind a design. I love how much time they spent getting the right shot and Photoshopping it.(via maniacalrage and davidkaneda)
How to go about designing your first iPhone application.
This is the artwork for the upcoming Sufjan Stevens CD/DVD, The BQE (Brooklyn–Queens Expressway). I hope they weren’t going for legibility because if that was the case I’d have to give them a F.
Crazy 4 Cult 3-D: Family Portraits.
… all links will continue to redirect, and will do so until at least December 31, 2009. Your tweets with URLs in them will not be affected.
We regret that it came to this, but all of our efforts to avoid it failed. No business we approached wanted to purchase for even a minor amount. There is no way for us to monetize URL shortening — users won’t pay for it — and we just can’t justify further devleopment since Twitter has all but annointed the market winner. There is simply no point for us to continue operating, and pay for its upkeep.
This is a sad and unfortunate turn of events. I recently switched to but never lost any love for
The Manhattan Bridge being constructed in 1909…If you click on this picture it gets so big…you can really look at it in detail.You can actually see the men working and standing on the bridge…check it out it’s pretty amazing! (via hewhocannotbenamed)