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jQuery Address

Deep linking plugin from Asual.

ThinkVitamin | Handy tips to help you out

ThinkVitamin has a good article with a variety of useful tips from print style sheets to IE6 PNG fixes.


And Microsoft turned to the roaring crowds and answered, “Yes, it can be uglier. Introducing Office 2010.


Extremely Useful Geography Vectors: Maps and Globes

iPhone Dev 101: The "Hello World!" app

How to create your first iPhone app using xCode. Certainly going to check out this article and give it a shot. All i’ll need then is that million dollar idea.


Splendid use of Adrian Frutiger’s Avenir Next typeface in the packaging of this Canadian card game, designed by Hambley & Woolley. The colour palette feels suitably vintage and the box recalls Kodak circa the 1960s. (via Jared Christensen)


The office has a real club-scene vibe today. I haven’t heard Kris Kross since I was 10.

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