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If you haven’t already, check out Path 2.0 for iPhone (or Android). The UI design is just incredible. The attention to detail is meticulous and there is a lot of innovative functionality going on.

Best jQuery Plugins of 2011

This is a great list of jQuery plugins. Many of these plugins I’ve used before and but there a few that I’ve never heard about but they look awesome.

Adobe Withdraws from Mobile Flash Battlefront

Toolkits such as PhoneGap and Sencha Touch are hitting full stride with mature development frameworks that enable HTML5 developers and designers to make native iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry applications using their existing skill sets.

Adobe finally admits defeat years after Steve Jobs predicted it.

A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs


Mona Simpson provides, in daring yet delicate prose, the most beautiful and intimate portrait of Steve Jobs we will likely ever see.

This brought up such a wealth of emotion for me I had to pause several times to get through it. It may likely be the same for you.

If you do nothing else today, grab a box of tissues and read this.

Bloomberg Businessweek’s Steve Jobs Issue

via minimalmac:

News of Jobs’ passing first broke on Wednesday night. This issue was on newsstands by Sunday, at least, or maybe even Saturday night. Which means the Bloomberg Businessweek team must have been working like mad to make this happen, probably with very little sleep and almost assuredly under the duress of simultaneously mourning a man that many of them probably felt very strongly about. That effort is an incredibly fitting, touching and commendable tribute to Steve Jobs himself.

This looks fantastic. If I can find it, I’d love to pick it up.

Steve Jobs: Designer First, C.E.O. Second -

Steve Jobs eye for the most subtle detail was impeccable. This article offers an inspiring view of Jobs as not just a CEO but a designer.


Thank you, Steve.

1955-2011 


Today Apple announced the iPhone 4S. Duel-core A5 chip, 1080P HD video, an all new 8MP camera and Siri, the voice-guided assistant.

Maniacal Rage: Gowalla 4 and Loss of Personal Milestone Data

Absolutely spot on blog entry by Garrett Murray.

I’ve been using Gowalla since its launch in 2009. Between Foursquare and Gowalla, the latter always seemed more interesting to me in that it took the common check-in functionality and added a fun layer of collection. You collected and traded “items” (basically, icons) and earned “pins” Read More…

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