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HTML5, a 3 minute guide

A 3 minute guide to HTML5


Chyrp is a blogging engine designed to be very lightweight while retaining functionality. It is powered by PHP and has very powerful theme and extension engines, so you can personalize it however you…


Amasis was designed by Ron Carpenter in 1992.

GreenSock Tweening Platform v11 Released

It is by far the most significant (and extensive) upgrade ever.


If you’re like most web designers, you have a great site but you’re having a hard time getting qualified leads to visit your site. Haystack, a new service by 37signals is here to help drive potential clients to your site.


[via chrisbowler:]

Delibar is a full featured Mac client. Delibar focuses on giving Mac OS X users an easy and quick tool for searching, managing and sharing their Delicious bookmarks. Delibar will be your best friend while using Delicious!


Apple unveils the new multi-touch wireless Magic Mouse.

The new mouse does more than let you right- and left-click. You can use a single finger to scroll around—not just up and down or side to side, either. Within supported apps, such as Preview, you can scroll in any direction. The Magic Mouse also supports swipe gestures, though not the same ones you’ll find in Apple’s multi-touch trackpads. Swiping left with two fingers in Safari will move you back a page, and in a stack of images in iPhoto, swiping left or right with two fingers will take you to the previous or next photo, respectively.


For those who haven’t been keeping up (myself included), The League of Movable Type has released some great new open source fonts ready for CSS3 embedding. My current favorite is now “League Gothic“—A revival of Alternate Gothic No. 1. As with most of the fonts they offer, I only wish there were a few more weights in the family.

Very nice looking CSS3 ready Gothic web font thanks to The League of Movable Type

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